Interview with The Collection


Today I had the privilege of interviewing the indie/alt pop band, The Collection! This interview is all about their new song ‘GET LOST’, the songwriting process and of course pizza!

The Collection, who if I’m being completely honest, are in a vibe all their own! Their music simply cannot be described as fitting into one specific genre and I think it’s one of those times where you just have to listen to it so you can hear it for yourself!

What are your go to pizza orders?

 At rehearsal recently, we played a fun game - if you had to get a 1 topping pizza with only a veggie topping, what would it be? 

David - Mushrooms

Ling- Banana Peppers

Hayden - Onions

Darren - Banana Peppers

Graham - Black Olives

Joshua Linhart - Black Olives

Sarah - Onions

When we order pizzas together though, we typically get a white sauce base with spinach and feta, and a pizza with jalapeño, sausage, and onion

What is your cure for writers block when writing a song?

 It helps me to consume beautiful things, specifically unrelated to music,  whether via a walk, a movie, a book, a garden. I have to make sure I’m consuming it just to experience it and not to “use” it for creating. Sometimes this can take months of just sitting in beautiful or deep experiences, soaking them up like a sponge, before they start seeping out into songs. 

You’ve all been playing a lot of shows recently, what are some of your favorite show moments?

At a recent show, there was an older, white-haired man right up front, and in between every song, sometimes in the middle of them, he kept yelling “YES! THIS IS IT! THIS IS ROCK!” and it felt like we hired a cheerleader for the show. But always, just the sweet moments connecting with my bandmates, smiling at each other as we jump off an amp or throw a mic stand in the air. 

And on the topic of shows do you have any pre-show traditions for good luck?

 Every show we do a “hands-in” chant, like a sports team. It’s always something random, something funny to us to say as a group that comes up from the day. Many shows, if we’re not feeling pumped before hand, we’ll blast the Space Jam theme song and dance in the green room. 

Do you have any people/musicians who inspire your music?

So many! And from all over the place. Lately the big ones have been Jake Wesley Rogers, Holly Humberstone, Taylor Swift, Ella Fitzgerald.

As a band what was your greatest challenge when writing and recording ‘GET LOST’?

Honestly, everyone had SO many ideas, a lot of the song was a process of cutting back. We had to filter through sections and be like “ok, cool, this is a cool idea, but everyone together is too much.” It’s a hard thing to work through but better than the opposite problem for sure. 

What advice would you give to someone who feels as if they have gotten lost? 

Do what you can to find community. Maybe that’s just through an album, or a book, if you live far from other folks? But often that feeling of being lost can be so isolating, when there are actually SO many folks going through it too and want to connect. Find your family.

If you haven’t already listened to ‘GET LOST’ I absolutely encourage you to give it a try! It has a nice positive and profound message and I think more music like this is what we need in the world.

The Collection’s Socials





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